
We have set ourselves a very precise mission: the school, the place where children now spend most of their time, must take on the task and responsibility of repositioning children from the centre of the universe (where they are often placed by the family context) to an element in a constellation where several elements come into play.

And where can the discovery of values, rules and natural adaptation strategies take place if not in the most natural environment possible?
This is why Giocomotiva has been “closing” the school one day a week for years, in order to take children aged 3/6 to the Farmhouse! (Bosco in Città).


Surprising! We have plenty of open-air space to discover, experience and be curious about. We also have dedicated spaces: such as our perfectly heated sleeping room, and our tables under the canopies for lunch, snacks and morning snacks.


The main activity proposed in the outdoors is the unstructured activity understood as workshop/atelier. After the first weeks, which will be dedicated to the discovery of the places, the children will be free to choose autonomously how to spend their time, and with whom. Always under the watchful eye of our educators.


The main objective is the self-activation of the children and the small group. The educator must endeavour to take on the role of observer and director and allow the child as much as possible to experience this great opportunity for autonomy.

What if it rains or the weather is bad? Equipped with rain coats and boots, we will learn to play with puddles!